A mysterious man is drawn to a feisty female police officer and a unusual relationship ensues, as not everything is as it seems.

Angel Eyes
While pursuing a suspect one night, Chicago Police officer Sharon Pogue nearly becomes the victim of a fatal ambush. A mysterious stranger, Catch intervenes, disarms the assassin and saves Sharon's life. Is it a stroke of luck? A twist of fate? Or just a concerned citizen who happened to pass by at the right time and wasn't afraid to get involved? Maybe, But Sharon and Catch have met once before. As the two fall in love, they discover the truth about each other and are forced to deal with the secrets from their past. Written by <Laffz00@aol.com>
Two emotionally scarred people, Sharon Pogue and Steve 'Catch' Lambert meet and slowly fall in love. Sharon is a Chicago police officer who grew up in a dysfunctional home. Her father would at times get violent with her mother and while he would never touch her, the psychological damage was done. She is haunted not only by her family environment but that she is now shunned by her father after she reported him to the police. For Catch, a tragic accident he blames on himself has resulted in him blocking out the past. He lives alone in an unfurnished apartment refusing to acknowledge the tragedy in his past. As they get to know and trust one another, Sharon realizes she has met Catch before. Written by garykmcd
Sharon Pogue is a Chicago police officer who ends up being in the worst of situations as she is looking right into the barrel of a loaded gun while pursing a drive-by suspect, as the trigger is about to go off, a mysterious! man named "Catch" rescues Sharon by disarming the suspect. As! Sharon is dealing with demons from her past and forming a relationship with "Catch", she's also unaware that this isn't the first meeting between Sharon and "Catch". Written by Ryan Harder <hotshotharder@hotmail.com>
Genres: Drama Romance Thriller
Release year: 2001
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